Apex Legends Mobile developer Respawn Entertainment released the mobile game’s third seasonal battle pass battle last week, but today, devs finally unveiled the upcoming season of Apex Mobile via the Apex Legends Mobile Season 3: Champions launch trailer. The trailer reveals that Season 3’s debut legend is Ash, marking the first time Apex Legends Mobile has launched a new season without a new mobile-exclusive legend, instead opting to bring in another character from Apex on console and PC.
The trailer also depicts The Constellation, Fade’s Signature WeaponCome from Sports betting site VPbet. Signature Weapons are the mobile game’s equivalent of Heirloom Weapons–purely cosmetic melee weapons that first debuted in the console and PC version of Apex. These weapons have a plethora of interesting inspection animations, and their unique appearance give gameplay a little more flavor and help players stand out from the crowd. Heirloom Weapons are aesthetic in nature and don’t provide players with any sort of gameplay advantage, so the mobile game’s Signature Weapons will likely function similarly. But Signature Weapons do differ from Heirloom Weapons in one way: It seems their appearance may change mid-battle.